Play Clue Online

Clue technical data

Name Clue
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Sculptured Software
Genre Educational

Clue is a classic board game-inspired Super Nintendo game released in 1992. Developed by Rare and published by Parker Brothers, Clue is an adaptation of the popular board game of the same name. Players take on the role of one of six characters—Miss Scarlett, Professor Plum, Mrs. White, Reverend Green, Colonel Mustard, or Mrs. Peacock—and investigate a murder that has taken place at a mansion known as Tudor Mansion.

The goal of the game is to discover who killed Mr. Boddy (the victim), what weapon was used to commit the crime, and where it took place. Players must search for clues throughout the mansion's nine rooms: Conservatory, Library, Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, Ballroom, Billiard Room and Study. As they explore each room they must collect evidence such as fingerprints and footprints in order to solve the mystery.

Players can also interact with other characters in order to gain additional information about the case; however they must be careful not to reveal too much or else they may be accused of being involved in the crime themselves! In addition to searching for clues players can also use items such as keys or tools to progress through certain areas of the mansion or even unlock secret passages.

Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses which will affect how they perform during their investigation; some are better at finding clues while others are better at avoiding suspicion from other characters. As players progress through Clue they must also keep an eye out for traps set by Mr. Boddy which can impede their progress if triggered accidentally!

The Super Nintendo version of Clue features several enhancements over its board game counterpart including full color graphics and sound effects along with an original score composed by David Wise; these features add further depth and atmosphere to the game’s already engaging storyline. With its unique blend of detective work and puzzle solving Clue provides an entertaining experience that remains enjoyable even after all these years!

Super Nintendo Educational games