Play Fire Striker Online

Fire Striker technical data

Name Fire Striker
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Axes Art Amuse
Genre Educational

Fire Striker is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) game released in 1994. It was developed by Human Entertainment and published by Victor Interactive Software Inc. The game is an action-packed side scrolling shooter where the player takes control of a character named Mark who has to save his homeland from the invading forces of an evil empire known as the Fire Empire.

The player must battle through various levels, each with their own unique enemies, bosses, and obstacles. The main objective of each level is to reach the end point while avoiding or destroying any enemies that are encountered along the way. As the player progresses through the game they will be able to upgrade their weapons and armor which will make them more capable of taking on increasingly difficult foes.

The graphics in Fire Striker are very colorful and detailed for a SNES title, with vibrant backgrounds and characters that move fluidly throughout each level. The music also fits well with the action-packed gameplay and helps set the tone for each stage.

The controls for Fire Striker are fairly straightforward and easy to use, making it accessible even for those who may not be familiar with shooters or SNES games in general. There are several power-ups available throughout each level which can help give Mark an edge in combat such as increased fire power, invincibility, and extra lives.

Overall, Fire Striker is an enjoyable action shooter that offers plenty of challenge and excitement for those looking for something different than just your typical Mario title. Its simple yet effective gameplay mechanics combined with its colorful visuals make it a great addition to any SNES library or collection.

Super Nintendo Educational games