Play Asahi Shinbun Rensai - Katou Ichi-Ni-San Shougi - Shingiryuu Online

Asahi Shinbun Rensai - Katou Ichi-Ni-San Shougi - Shingiryuu technical data

Name Asahi Shinbun Rensai - Katou Ichi-Ni-San Shougi - Shingiryuu
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Varie Corporation
Genre Educational

Asahi Shinbun Rensai - Katou Ichi-Ni-San Shougi - Shingiryuu is a classic Super Nintendo (SNES) game released in Japan in 1993. It is based on the popular Japanese board game Shogi, and was developed by Asmik Ace Entertainment Inc. It features two different modes of play: Single Player and Two-Player mode. In Single Player mode, the player takes on the role of a Shogi master and competes against computer opponents of varying difficulty levels. The objective is to achieve victory over all opponents by capturing their pieces or checkmating them. The game also includes a tutorial mode, which allows players to learn the basics of the game before attempting to beat the computer at higher levels.

In Two-Player mode, two human players can compete against each other using either a split screen or link cable setup. This feature allows for heated battles between friends as they attempt to outwit each other with strategic moves and combinations. The game also provides an option for players to customize their own boards, allowing for added variety in gameplay.

The graphics of Asahi Shinbun Rensai - Katou Ichi-Ni-San Shougi - Shingiryuu are bright and colorful, representing an anime style that was popular during the time it was released. The backgrounds are detailed and feature various settings such as mountains, forests, and castles. The music also adds to the atmosphere with its traditional Japanese tunes that evoke a sense of nostalgia in many gamers who remember playing this classic on their Super Nintendo systems back in the day.

All in all, Asahi Shinbun Rensai - Katou Ichi-Ni-San Shougi - Shingiryuu is an excellent example of how video games can be adapted from classic board games like Shogi while still providing an enjoyable experience for those who may not know how to play it traditionally. With its vibrant visuals, catchy tunes, and tactical gameplay mechanics, this SNES classic will surely bring back fond memories for those who played it when it first came out in 1993!

Super Nintendo Educational games