Play Captain Novolin Online

Captain Novolin technical data

Name Captain Novolin
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Sculptured Software
Genre Educational

Captain Novolin is a Super Nintendo game released in 1992 by Raya Systems and published by Acclaim Entertainment. The game stars Captain Novolin, a superhero who must battle the forces of Dr. Fissionton, an evil scientist bent on taking over the world with his nuclear weapons.

The goal of the game is to stop Dr. Fissionton’s plans, which involve the use of five different types of nuclear weapons scattered throughout the world. The player controls Captain Novolin as he battles through various levels, each one featuring different enemies and obstacles. The game also has several power-ups that can be obtained throughout the levels, such as extra health or energy boosts.

Gameplay consists primarily of side-scrolling platform action with some puzzle elements thrown in for good measure. As Captain Novolin progresses through each level, he will encounter enemies such as robots and mutants that he must defeat in order to progress further into the level. He can also collect coins that are scattered around the level which can be used to purchase items from shops located throughout the levels (such as health and energy refills). Additionally, there are also mini-games found within certain levels that allow players to earn extra points or even bonus lives if they complete them successfully.

The graphics in Captain Novolin are cartoonish and colorful, giving it a unique aesthetic compared to other games released at this time period. The music is upbeat and catchy, helping set an exciting atmosphere for each stage. The controls are simple and straightforward; while they may take a bit of getting used to at first, they become more intuitive with time and practice.

Overall, Captain Novolin is an enjoyable Super Nintendo title that offers a good mix of action-platforming gameplay combined with puzzle elements and mini-games for added variety and challenge. While it may not have aged particularly well since its release in 1992 due to its simplistic visuals and dated sound design, it still remains an enjoyable experience for those looking for a classic gaming experience on their SNES console

Super Nintendo Educational games