Play Mario's Time Machine Online

Mario's Time Machine technical data

Name Mario's Time Machine
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Various
Genre Educational

Mario’s Time Machine is a 1993 Super Nintendo Entertainment System game developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Nintendo. The game has players take on the role of Mario, who must travel through time in order to retrieve artifacts stolen by Bowser. Players must use their knowledge of history to find objects in the past and present, as well as battle enemies from different eras.

The game begins with Bowser stealing various artifacts from around the world, which he plans to use to take control of history itself. Mario sets out on a mission to stop Bowser and recover the stolen items. To do this, he uses his time machine, which allows him to travel back and forth in time.

Players are taken to various periods in history, such as Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages. In each era, they must locate artifacts that have been stolen by Bowser and return them back to their rightful places in time. The player navigates through each era using a map screen that shows the locations of all available areas within the level. As they progress through each area, they encounter enemies that must be defeated before advancing further.

Mario’s Time Machine also features several minigames that can be accessed throughout the adventure. These minigames involve solving puzzles or completing tasks such as finding hidden objects or racing against opponents. Completing these mini-games rewards players with bonus points, coins, or other items that can help them progress further into the game.

Throughout Mario’s Time Machine are various educational elements designed to teach players about different aspects of history such as geography and culture. For example, when visiting Ancient Greece players must identify various gods from Greek mythology while visiting China they will learn about Chinese dynasties and famous landmarks like The Great Wall of China.

Overall Mario’s Time Machine is an enjoyable game for children and adults alike due its fun gameplay mechanics combined with its educational elements making it a great way for people to learn about history while having fun at the same time!

Super Nintendo Educational games