Play Mario is Missing! Online

Mario is Missing! technical data

Name Mario is Missing!
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Various
Genre Educational

Mario is Missing! is an educational video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1992. Developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Software Toolworks, it was the first Mario game not to be developed or supervised by Shigeru Miyamoto. The goal of the game is for Mario to find missing artifacts from around the world and return them to their respective locations in order to save Luigi, who has been kidnapped by Bowser.

The player takes control of Mario as he travels around the world, visiting different cities such as Tokyo, London, Moscow, and Paris. In each city, Mario must locate a missing artifact and return it to its rightful place. To do this, he must talk with locals in order to get clues about where the artifact might be located. He can also use a map of each city to help him navigate his way around.

In addition to finding artifacts, Mario must also battle enemies such as Koopa Troopas and Shy Guys in order to progress through each level. These battles are turn-based strategy games that require careful planning and use of resources in order to defeat the enemies. There are also mini-games that can be played throughout the levels which help increase points towards completing each level.

The game features a number of educational topics including geography, history, and culture. As Mario completes each level he will learn about different aspects of these topics such as famous landmarks or important historical figures from each city he visits. There are also quizzes at the end of each level which test the player’s knowledge on what they have learned throughout their journey.

The graphics for Mario is Missing! are bright and colorful with detailed sprites representing characters and locations throughout the game. The music is upbeat and catchy which helps set a fun atmosphere while playing through each level. The overall presentation of the game makes it enjoyable for players both young and old alike while still providing an educational experience at the same time..

Super Nintendo Educational games