Play Bombuzal Online

Bombuzal technical data

Name Bombuzal
System Super Nintendo
Year 1990
Developer Mirrorsoft
Genre Puzzle

Bombuzal is a puzzle-solving video game that was released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1991. The game is set in a two-dimensional environment, and players must solve puzzles involving pushing blocks around to create pathways and clear obstacles. The goal of the game is to collect all of the bombs scattered throughout each level, and then reach the exit without being killed by enemies or running out of time.

The game consists of eight worlds with four levels each, for a total of 32 levels. Each world has its own theme; for example, one world may be full of ice blocks while another may feature lava pits. In addition to collecting bombs, players must also avoid enemy creatures such as snakes and bats that will attempt to kill them if they come too close. Players can also pick up power-ups such as invincibility stars or extra time clocks which will help them progress through the levels more quickly.

The gameplay involves manipulating objects on the screen by pushing, pulling or swapping them with other objects in order to clear paths or trap enemies. For example, a player might need to push multiple blocks in order to create a bridge across an abyss or swap two blocks so that they are next to each other in order to trap an enemy creature between them. Players can also use bombs to blow up certain walls or objects which will open up new pathways or allow access to items that were previously inaccessible.

The graphics in Bombuzal are quite basic but still look nice for their time period; there are colorful backgrounds and simple sprites for the characters and enemies. The music is catchy and upbeat which adds some energy to the gameplay. Overall, Bombuzal is an enjoyable puzzle-solving experience that requires quick thinking and strategy in order to complete its levels successfully. It's a great way for players who enjoy challenging their minds with puzzles to have some fun while doing it!

Super Nintendo Puzzle games