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Ball Bullet Gun technical data

Name Ball Bullet Gun
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Betop Software
Genre Strategy

Ball Bullet Gun is a classic Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) game released in 1994. It is a top-down shooter that tasks the player with controlling a gun turret that shoots at enemies and obstacles on the screen. The objective of the game is to progress through each level by shooting enemies and avoiding obstacles, while collecting power-ups to increase the turret's firepower. The game features five levels, each with its own unique set of enemies and obstacles.

The visuals in Ball Bullet Gun are simple but effective, featuring bright colors and cartoon-like graphics. The soundtrack is also quite catchy, featuring a variety of upbeat tunes that fit perfectly with the action on screen. The controls are simple and easy to pick up, making it an enjoyable experience for both beginners and experienced gamers alike.

Each level in Ball Bullet Gun features multiple stages, which become increasingly difficult as you progress through them. You'll encounter various enemy types such as tanks, helicopters, and UFOs as well as obstacles like walls and barriers that must be shot down before they can be passed. Power-ups appear throughout each level that can temporarily increase your turret's firepower or give you additional lives. As you progress through each stage, your score will increase which will unlock bonus levels at certain points in the game.

The main challenge of Ball Bullet Gun comes from its intense difficulty curve. As you progress through each stage, you'll face more powerful enemies and tougher obstacles; some levels even feature boss battles at their end! This makes it important to plan ahead when tackling each stage so that you can maximize your score while minimizing damage taken from enemies or obstacles. Additionally, there are some stages where precision shooting is required in order to get past certain sections - this adds an extra layer of challenge to the game which makes it all the more satisfying when completing a tough section successfully!

Overall, Ball Bullet Gun is an excellent SNES shooter with great visuals, catchy music and intense gameplay that will keep players coming back for more! It's perfect for anyone looking for an old school shooter experience or just some nostalgic fun!

Super Nintendo Strategy games