Play Populous Online

Populous technical data

Name Populous
System Super Nintendo
Year 1991
Developer Bullfrog Software
Genre Strategy

Populous is a classic god-simulation video game released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991. Developed by Bullfrog Productions, the game puts players in control of a population of people, allowing them to manipulate their environment to achieve victory. The objective of Populous is to grow and develop your population while battling against an opposing group of people controlled by a computer or another human player. Players must use various tools and techniques to transform their land into one suitable for their people, such as terraforming terrain and constructing buildings. They can also use magical spells to aid their cause, such as creating earthquakes or summoning storms.

The game begins with the player controlling a single settlement that contains a small number of people. As time passes, more settlers arrive and begin building homes, farms and other structures within the settlement. Players must manage resources such as food and materials in order to keep their population growing and prosperous. Through careful management of these resources, players can create larger settlements with greater populations which can then be used to defeat opposing forces or complete objectives set by the game.

Players can also research new technologies which allow them access to more powerful spells and abilities that can help them win battles or better manage resources. By utilizing these technologies wisely, players can gain an advantage over their opponents while still keeping their population happy and productive.

Populous features two different modes: single player mode where you play against AI-controlled opponents; and multiplayer mode where you compete against other humans via modem connection or local area network connections (LAN). In either mode, you are tasked with managing your population’s growth while competing against others for dominance over the world’s landmass.

The graphics in Populous are simple but effective; sprites representing characters are large enough that they appear quite detailed despite the limited resolution available on SNES hardware at the time. The music is also quite memorable—a mix of techno beats combined with classical instrumentation creates an atmosphere that helps draw players into the game’s world.

Overall Populous is an enjoyable classic god-simulation game that will appeal both to those who enjoy strategy games as well as those who simply enjoy playing God for fun! The game offers plenty of replay value through its various modes, challenging objectives, and interesting mix of technology upgrades – all topped off with great music and graphics!

Super Nintendo Strategy games