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Cheetah Men II technical data

Name Cheetah Men II
System NES
Year 1992
Developer Active
Genre Action

Cheetah Men II is an action platformer video game developed by Color Dreams and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1990. In the game, players take control of one of three cheetah-like characters - Cheetahman, Cheetara, or Cheetah Kid - as they make their way through various levels. The objective of the game is to collect all the pieces of a mysterious artifact known as the "Cheetah Crystal". Along the way, players must battle enemies and solve puzzles while avoiding traps and hazards.

The gameplay in Cheetah Men II is similar to that of other games from its era. Players move their character from left to right across each stage while avoiding obstacles such as pits and enemies. In addition to jumping, players can also perform a sliding attack which allows them to quickly get past certain enemies. Players can also use special power-ups such as invincibility stars or fireballs to help them defeat enemies. There are also warp points which allow players to quickly travel between levels.

The graphics in Cheetah Men II are colorful and vibrant with detailed backgrounds and animations for each level. The music is upbeat and catchy with a variety of tunes ranging from energetic techno beats to more laidback melodies.

Overall, Cheetah Men II provides an enjoyable gaming experience with its simple yet addictive gameplay and colorful visuals. Its challenging levels offer plenty of replay value while its iconic characters have become beloved by fans over the years. Despite its age, it remains an enjoyable retro classic that’s sure to please those looking for some old school gaming fun.

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NES Action games