Play Gauntlet Online

Gauntlet technical data

Name Gauntlet
System NES
Year 1985
Developer Hack
Genre Action

Gauntlet is a 1985 fantasy-themed top-down hack and slash arcade game developed by Atari Games.

It was one of the most popular and influential games of its time, and spawned numerous sequels and ports to home systems.

The game was revolutionary for its four-player simultaneous gameplay, allowing up to four players to play together in the same dungeon at once.

The goal of Gauntlet is to explore a series of dungeons, fighting off monsters and collecting treasure.

Players can choose from four different characters: Thor the Warrior, Merlin the Wizard, Thyra the Valkyrie, or Questor the Elf.

Each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses; for example, Thor has high health but low magic power, while Merlin has powerful spells but low physical attack power.

As players progress through each level they must defeat enemies such as ghosts, grunts, sorcerers and demons in order to reach the exit.

Along the way they will also find food which can restore health points or magic points (depending on the character).

Gauntlet's gameplay is very simple; each player takes control of a character and moves them around the dungeon using either a joystick or keyboard controls.

The main objective is to collect all of the treasure before finding the exit which will take them to the next level.

Enemies can be defeated by shooting them with your character’s weapon or by casting spells if you are playing as Merlin.

As you progress through each level more powerful enemies will appear and more valuable treasures will become available.

Gauntlet was one of Atari’s biggest successes in arcades during its time; it was so successful that it was ported to many home systems including Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Apple IIGS and NES (Nintendo Entertainment System).

The NES version featured improved graphics over its arcade counterpart but lacked some of its features such as two-player co-op mode; however it still allowed up to four players when using an adapter called NES Four Score which allowed up to four people to play simultaneously on one console.

Gauntlet has had a lasting legacy amongst gamers due to its groundbreaking 4-player simultaneous gameplay; it paved way for other popular games such as Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara or X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse which used similar concepts in their gameplay.

Today Gauntlet remains an iconic part of gaming history and continues to be enjoyed by gamers both young and old alike

NES Action games