Play Ultima - Runes of Virtue II Online

Ultima - Runes of Virtue II technical data

Name Ultima - Runes of Virtue II
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer ORIGIN Systems
Genre RPG

Ultima - Runes of Virtue II is a top-down action role-playing game released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed by Origin Systems and published by Electronic Arts. The game is the sequel to Ultima - Runes of Virtue, which was released on the Game Boy in 1993.

The story of Ultima - Runes of Virtue II takes place in Britannia, the world of the popular Ultima series. The player takes on the role of a warrior who has been summoned by Lord British to help him defeat the evil wizard named Manannan. Manannan has unleashed four powerful demons and it is up to the player to defeat them and restore peace to Britannia.

The gameplay of Ultima - Runes of Virtue II is similar to that of its predecessor, though there are a few changes that make this entry unique. The player can now explore dungeons and fight monsters while seeking out new items and spells to help them progress through the game. In addition, they can also collect runes which can be used to access special areas and gain powerful abilities. Additionally, players are able to customize their character with different weapons and armor that they find throughout their journey.

The visuals in Ultima - Runes of Virtue II have been improved from its predecessor, with more detailed environments, characters, and animations being present throughout each level. The music has also been updated from its predecessor with more upbeat tunes that fit perfectly with the action taking place on screen.

Overall, Ultima – Runes of Virtue II is an excellent action RPG for fans of the series or those looking for an enjoyable adventure experience on their Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The improved visuals, music, and customization options make it stand out from other games released at this time period and make it worth checking out for any fan of classic RPGs.

Super Nintendo RPG games