Play Stargate Online

Stargate technical data

Name Stargate
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Probe Software Ltd.
Genre Shooter

Stargate is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) game released in 1994 by Acclaim Entertainment. The game is based on the film Stargate and follows the same plotline as its source material. Players take control of Colonel Jack O’Neil and his team, who must travel through a mysterious ancient ring-shaped artifact known as a Stargate to explore distant planets and defeat an alien threat.

Gameplay consists of two parts: side-scrolling action levels and top-down strategy levels. In the side-scrolling levels, players must navigate through enemy-infested areas while using various weapons such as a pistol, shotgun, flamethrower, grenades and more. Players must also solve puzzles, find keys to unlock doors and avoid traps in order to progress.

The top-down strategy levels involve commanding troops around a map in order to complete objectives such as defending certain areas or destroying enemies forces. The player can give orders to their troops by selecting them with the controller’s directional pad or by issuing commands via text boxes displayed on screen. The player can also deploy special weapons such as missiles or airstrikes to deal with tougher enemies or obstacles.

The graphics in Stargate are quite detailed for an SNES game, with realistic textures being used for characters and environments alike. The sound effects are also well done, adding atmosphere to each level. Music is minimalistic but still fits the theme of the game nicely. Overall, the presentation is quite good for an SNES title from 1994.

Overall, Stargate is a solid Super Nintendo game that offers both action and strategy elements set in an interesting sci-fi universe inspired by the film of the same name. It features detailed graphics, atmospheric sound effects and music that fit each level nicely while also providing a challenge for players who want something more than just mindlessly shooting down enemies all day long. If you’re looking for a classic SNES title that offers something different from other games available at the time then Stargate may be worth checking out!

Super Nintendo Shooter games