Play Faceball 2000 Online

Faceball 2000 technical data

Name Faceball 2000
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Xanth Software F/X
Genre Shooter

Faceball 2000 is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) game developed by Arsys Software and published by Bullet-Proof Software in 1992. The game was released exclusively in Japan, but has since been re-released on the Virtual Console in 2009.

Faceball 2000 is a first-person shooter that takes place in a 3D maze. The objective of the game is to shoot enemies and collect power-ups while navigating through the maze. Players have access to a variety of weapons such as shotguns, machine guns, laser guns, and missiles. In addition, players can pick up items such as invincibility stars and bombs which can be used to clear obstacles or defeat enemies quickly.

The player navigates through the maze using either the d-pad or analog stick on the SNES controller. As they progress through each level they must shoot down enemies while avoiding their attacks at all costs. If the player takes too much damage they will lose one of their lives, however there are health packs scattered throughout each level that can restore health when collected.

At the end of each level is a boss enemy that must be defeated before progressing to the next stage. Bosses typically require more strategy than regular enemies as they usually have multiple attack patterns and require specific strategies to defeat them. After defeating a boss enemy, players are rewarded with bonus points depending on how quickly they were able to complete it.

The graphics for Faceball 2000 are impressive for its time with detailed character models and textures along with 3D environments that help create an immersive experience for players. The sound effects are also good with realistic gunfire sounds along with some catchy background music tracks for each stage which adds another layer of atmosphere to the game's presentation.

Overall Faceball 2000 is an enjoyable action shooter that offers engaging gameplay thanks to its fast-paced action and unique level design elements such as destructible walls and hidden passageways which add an extra layer of challenge for players who want to explore every nook and cranny of each stage. Fans of classic shooters should definitely check out Faceball 2000 if they haven't already done so as it still stands up today despite being released over 25 years ago!

Super Nintendo Shooter games