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Rise of the Robots technical data

Name Rise of the Robots
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Mirage Technologies
Genre Fighting

Rise of the Robots is a fighting game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) released in 1994. Developed by Mirage Technologies and published by Time Warner Interactive, it was the first 3D fighting game to be released on a home console. The game was praised for its graphics and animation, but criticized for its shallow gameplay and lack of characters.

The story of Rise of the Robots follows a group of robots created by Professor Simeon Fluxx and his assistant Dr. Sloan who are attempting to overthrow humanity. They have created an army of robotic warriors to do their bidding, and it is up to the player to defeat them before they succeed. Players take control of one of four available human fighters: Jack, Sabrina, Vic or Maxx; each with their own unique abilities and weapons. The goal is to fight through all nine levels of robots until reaching the final level where you must face off against Professor Fluxx himself.

The gameplay in Rise of the Robots is relatively simple compared to other fighting games at the time. Players can move around freely using either a joystick or directional pad and use basic punches, kicks, and throws as well as special moves unique to each character. However, unlike other fighting games at the time there are no combos or counters which can be used against opponents; instead players must rely on timing their attacks correctly in order to win each battle.

Graphically Rise of the Robots was highly praised for its detailed 3D visuals which featured fully animated characters with realistic facial expressions and movements as well as detailed backgrounds featuring large structures such as towers, bridges, and buildings which could be seen in the distance while playing each level. The sound effects were also praised for their realism; from explosions when enemies were defeated to clashing metal when two foes collided during combat sequences.

Overall Rise of the Robots was an ambitious project that pushed boundaries at a time when 3D gaming was still relatively new on home consoles; however its lack of depth in terms of gameplay mechanics meant that it failed to capture gamers’ attention for long periods of time due to its repetitive nature after playing through a few levels. Despite this it remains an interesting piece from gaming history worth playing if you’re interested in what early 3D gaming looked like on consoles such as the SNES..

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Super Nintendo Fighting games