Play Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood Online

Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood technical data

Name Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Manley & Associates
Genre Action

Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) game released in 1994. It was developed by the Japanese video game company, Tecmo, and was published by Ocean Software. The game follows the adventures of the titular character, Pink Panther, as he attempts to become a Hollywood star.

The game consists of four main levels: Hollywood City, Hollywood Hills, Beverly Hills and Malibu Beach. In each level, the player must collect stars and complete tasks in order to progress. The tasks range from helping out other characters in need to competing against other actors in auditions. As the player progresses through each level they will also encounter various enemies such as paparazzi, stuntmen and thugs who must be defeated before advancing further.

In addition to the main levels there are also several bonus levels which can be accessed by collecting enough stars throughout the game. These bonus levels provide extra challenges for the player such as racing against time or navigating a maze-like environment.

The graphics used in Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood are colorful and cartoonish which fits with its lighthearted tone. The soundtrack is upbeat and catchy featuring popular songs from various genres including rock & roll, jazz and pop music. The sound effects are also quite good with humorous noises for when enemies are defeated or when Pink Panther performs certain actions such as jumping or climbing ladders.

Overall, Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood is an enjoyable SNES platformer that provides plenty of fun for gamers of all ages. With its bright visuals, catchy soundtrack and humorous sound effects it’s sure to bring back fond memories of playing games on the SNES console.

Super Nintendo Action games