Play Rocky Rodent Online

Rocky Rodent technical data

Name Rocky Rodent
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Irem
Genre Action

Rocky Rodent is a two-dimensional side-scrolling platformer video game developed and published by Jaleco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1993. The game follows the titular Rocky Rodent, a small mouse who lives in the sewers of New York City, as he attempts to rid his home of an invading horde of rats.

The game consists of five levels set in different locations around the city. In each level, Rocky must make his way through a series of platforms while avoiding enemies and obstacles. He can attack his enemies with a variety of weapons such as slingshots, missiles and bombs. Along the way, he can collect power-ups which will help him progress further into the level and gain access to new areas.

The graphics in Rocky Rodent are simple but effective, with colorful sprites and detailed backgrounds. The music is also lively and catchy, providing an upbeat atmosphere for each level. The controls are easy to learn but difficult to master; this makes for a challenging yet enjoyable experience.

Overall, Rocky Rodent is an entertaining platformer for fans of classic games like Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man. While it may not be as popular or well-known as some other titles from its era, it remains an enjoyable experience that provides plenty of challenge and fun for those willing to give it a try.

Super Nintendo Action games