Play Der Langrisser Online

Der Langrisser technical data

Name Der Langrisser
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Masaya
Genre RPG

Der Langrisser is a Japanese tactical role-playing game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1995. Developed by NCS Masaya, it is part of the Langrisser series of games and is also known as Warsong in North America. The game takes place on a large continent called El Sallia, which is divided into two warring nations: the Rayguard Empire and the Kingdom of Granseal. Players take control of a young knight named Ledin, who is forced to choose sides in the conflict when his home country of Granseal gets attacked by the forces of Rayguard.

Gameplay in Der Langrisser consists of turn-based battles on a grid-like map. During each turn, players can move their units around and issue orders such as attacking enemies or using items. On each turn, players also have access to special commands that can be used to give their units bonuses or debuffs. When attacking an enemy unit, there are several different types of attacks that can be used depending on what kind of weapon the unit has equipped. Additionally, some weapons have special abilities that can be used to gain an advantage over an enemy.

The story in Der Langrisser follows Ledin as he attempts to save his homeland from destruction at the hands of Rayguard’s forces. As he progresses through the game, he meets new allies and fights against powerful enemies while trying to uncover the truth behind the conflict between Granseal and Rayguard. Along with its engaging story, Der Langrisser also features multiple endings based on how certain events are resolved during playtime that add even more replay value to this classic SNES title.

Overall, Der Langrisser is an excellent addition to any classic SNES library thanks to its deep tactical combat system and engaging storyline that keep players hooked for hours upon hours. With its wide array of weapons and characters available for use during battle, it’s easy to see why this game was so popular back in its heyday and continues to remain popular among retro gaming enthusiasts today.

Super Nintendo RPG games