Play Cyber Knight II - Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou Online

Cyber Knight II - Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou technical data

Name Cyber Knight II - Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Atelier Double
Genre RPG

Cyber Knight II: Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou (translated to "The Empire of the Earth's War") is a turn-based strategy game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed by Masaya and published by Nippon Computer Systems in 1993. The game is set in an alternate version of Earth where humans, aliens, and robots are locked in a struggle for control of the planet.

The player takes on the role of leader of a mercenary army called the Cyber Knights. Their mission is to protect the human race from its enemies while striving to achieve ultimate victory over the alien forces that threaten humanity's existence. The player must manage their resources carefully as they make strategic decisions on how best to deploy their forces across various missions. In addition, they can research new technologies and build up their forces with powerful mechs and other units as they battle against enemy forces.

Each level consists of a map with various objectives that must be completed in order for the player to move onto the next level. Objectives range from destroying enemy bases, rescuing hostages, or capturing enemy commanders. Players can also capture enemy territories for additional resources or bonuses such as increased income or access to new technologies. Once all objectives have been fulfilled, players can then proceed to a boss battle which will grant them access to even more powerful units or bonus items if successful.

In addition to the main campaign mode, there is also an optional “Scenario Mode” that allows players to choose different mission types such as skirmish battles against AI opponents or competitive two-player battles via link cable connection. Players can also customize their experience by adjusting factors such as difficulty level, number of opponents, and unit selection before beginning each mission.

Overall Cyber Knight II: Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou offers a unique blend of tactical strategy gaming with exciting real-time battles set within an immersive sci-fi world filled with interesting characters and compelling storylines. Its deep mechanics allow for plenty of strategic depth while its accessible controls provide an enjoyable experience suitable for both hardcore strategists and casual gamers alike.

Super Nintendo RPG games