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Ballz 3D technical data

Name Ballz 3D
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer PF Magic
Genre Fighting

Ballz 3D is a fighting video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1994. Developed by PF Magic, it was one of the first 3D fighting games to be released on a home console. The game features a unique control scheme, where players move their character around an arena and use buttons to punch, kick, and throw their opponents. The game also features a variety of power-ups that can be used to increase the player's power or give them special abilities.

The game takes place in an interdimensional arena called the Ballz Arena. Players can choose from eight different characters, each with their own unique moves and strategies. The objective of the game is to defeat all seven other fighters in order to become champion of the arena. In order to do this, players must master their character’s special moves and combos as well as make use of various power-ups scattered throughout the arena.

The graphics in Ballz 3D are fairly simple but still have a nice level of detail. The characters are polygonal models with basic animations and textures applied to them. The arenas are also polygonal models but they feature more detailed textures than the characters do. The sound effects are mostly basic punches and kicks, but they still manage to convey intensity during fights.

The gameplay consists of two players fighting each other within an arena until one player has been knocked out or has run out of time. During fights, players can use various attacks such as punches, kicks, throws, and special moves depending on which character they are playing as. As well as physical attacks, players can also make use of various power-ups scattered around the arena which can give them temporary boosts or allow them to perform powerful special moves.

Overall, Ballz 3D is an enjoyable fighting game that offers up a unique take on the genre with its polygonal visuals and unique control scheme. Although it may not have aged particularly well due to its simple graphics and dated controls, it still remains a fun experience for fans of classic SNES titles looking for something new and exciting to play on their system

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Super Nintendo Fighting games