Play Hole in One Professional Online

Hole in One Professional technical data

Name Hole in One Professional
System NES
Year 1988
Developer HAL Laboratory
Genre Sports

The Hole in One Professional is a golf game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) that was released in 1989. It was developed by Japanese video game company Jaleco and published by them in Japan, and by American publisher Electro Brain in the US. The game is based on the real-life sport of golf and allows players to play a round of golf against an AI or human opponent.

Hole in One Professional features two different modes: Tournament Mode and Stroke Play Mode. In Tournament Mode, up to four players can compete against each other or against the computer in a round of golf. Each player has three clubs (a driver, iron, and putter) as well as a ball that they must use to complete each hole. Players take turns hitting their ball towards the green from the tee box, then using their club selection to attempt to make it into the cup before their opponents do. If all players fail to get their ball into the cup after three strokes, they are all given a “bogey” penalty stroke and must move onto the next hole without scoring any points for that one.

In Stroke Play Mode, only one player competes against either an AI or human opponent. Both players start at the same point on the course with three clubs (a driver, iron, and putter) as well as a ball which they must use to complete each hole within a certain number of strokes. At the end of each hole, points are awarded depending on how many shots it took for each player to get their ball into the cup; whoever has more points wins at the end of nine holes or eighteen holes depending on which mode is being played.

The graphics featured in Hole in One Professional are basic but effective; most courses consist of simple shapes such as circles and rectangles which represent bodies of water or sand traps respectively while trees are represented by small triangles placed around various areas. The music featured is also quite simplistic but does its job effectively; it is upbeat enough to keep you engaged during your round while not becoming too repetitive or annoying after extended periods of time playing.

Overall Hole in One Professional is an enjoyable golf simulation game; it may not be very realistic compared to more modern titles but it still provides an enjoyable experience due to its simple yet effective mechanics and visuals coupled with its catchy music soundtrack. Whether you’re looking for some quick fun with friends or want to test out your skills against an AI opponent, this title offers plenty of replay value for those who enjoy classic NES games and golf alike!

NES Sports games