Play Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Kuro no Shou Online

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Kuro no Shou technical data

Name Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Kuro no Shou
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Multimedia Intelligence Transfer
Genre RPG

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children – Kuro no Shou is a role-playing game released for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 2001. Developed by Atlus and directed by Kazuyuki Yamai, the game was a spin-off of the Shin Megami Tensei series with a more child-friendly tone. While the game was never released outside of Japan, it has garnered a cult following over the years due to its unique gameplay mechanics and charming storyline.

The story of Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children – Kuro no Shou follows two young heroes, Akira and Kyouya, as they explore the world of Magna. In this world, there are two warring factions: the forces of Heaven and Hell. Both sides have summoned powerful demons to fight for them, but when Akira and Kyouya get involved in an accident involving these demons, they gain the ability to control them as their own. With their newfound powers, Akira and Kyouya must use their wit and strength to traverse Magna and restore balance between Heaven and Hell. Along the way they will face dangerous monsters, meet strange allies, uncover secrets about Magna’s past, and even battle against each other!

Gameplay in Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children – Kuro no Shou revolves around turn-based battles between your party of demons and enemy forces. As you progress through the game you can recruit new demons to join your team by either fusing two existing ones together or by negotiating with them during battle. You can also equip items to enhance your demon’s stats or give them special abilities that can be used in battle. The difficulty scales up as you progress through the game making it important to keep track of your team’s strengths and weaknesses in order to succeed.

In addition to its deep combat system Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children – Kuro no Shou also features an interesting side quest system where you can take on missions from various NPCs throughout Magna for rewards such as money or rare items. These missions range from simple fetch quests to more challenging battles so there is plenty here for those who want some extra content beyond just fighting random enemies on the map screen.

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children – Kuro no Shou is an underrated gem on Nintendo’s Game Boy Color library that deserves much more attention than it gets today thanks to its unique blend of RPG elements combined with strategic combat mechanics that make each fight feel like a real challenge even after all these years. Its charming characters, engaging story, well designed side quests along with its replayability make it an absolute must-play if you ever get your hands on a copy!

Game Boy Color RPG games