Play Sakura Taisen GB - Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! Online

Sakura Taisen GB - Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! technical data

Name Sakura Taisen GB - Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai!
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer RED Company
Genre RPG

Sakura Taisen GB – Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! is a unique strategy role-playing game for the Nintendo Game Boy Color. It was released in 2000, and it was the first game of the Sakura Taisen series to be released on a handheld console. This game follows the same basic gameplay as its predecessors, but adds some new features that make it stand out from other games of its kind.

The story of Sakura Taisen GB – Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! takes place in an alternate version of Tokyo during the 1920s. The player takes on the role of an Imperial Guard trainee who is tasked with leading a special unit known as “Geki Hana Kumi” in order to protect Japan from supernatural threats. Each battle requires you to deploy your forces strategically, while also making sure to keep morale high among your troops. As you progress through the game, you will learn more about each character’s backstory and motivations, allowing you to develop relationships with them and gain their trust.

The main gameplay of Sakura Taisen GB – Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! revolves around turn-based battles against various enemies. You will need to move your characters around on a grid-based map and use their special abilities to defeat foes. Depending on which character you have chosen to lead your team, different strategies will be available for each battle. You can also combine attacks with other characters or use items in order to defeat tougher enemies more quickly.

One of the most interesting aspects of this game is its visual presentation. The graphics are heavily inspired by anime art styles, giving it a unique look that stands out from other titles at the time. The characters themselves are all well designed and memorable, while still maintaining a certain level of believability within their world setting. Furthermore, there are several cutscenes throughout the story that help drive home important plot points and add depth to each character’s personality.

Overall, Sakura Taisen GB – Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! offers an enjoyable and engaging experience for fans of strategy RPGs or those looking for something different than what is typically offered on handheld consoles at that time period. Its unique visual style helps set it apart from other titles while its strategic combat system keeps players engaged throughout its lengthy narrative campaign mode

Game Boy Color RPG games