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Burai Fighter Color technical data

Name Burai Fighter Color
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer KID Corp.
Genre Shooter

Burai Fighter Color is an action-adventure game developed by Atlus for the Nintendo Game Boy Color.

It was released in 1999 and was the first game in the Burai Fighter series.

The game follows the adventures of a young warrior named Ryu as he attempts to save his homeland from an evil warlord known as Gogol.

The game is set in a fantasy world where humans, monsters, and gods all coexist.

Ryu's home village has been taken over by Gogol and his minions, who have enslaved its citizens and are searching for a powerful artifact called the Dragon Gem.

In order to save his people, Ryu must traverse through several different locations across the land, battling foes and collecting power-ups along the way.

Gameplay consists of two distinct parts: exploration and combat.

Exploration involves navigating through side-scrolling levels while avoiding traps and enemies.

Players can collect coins that grant access to bonus areas or items that boost Ryu's stats or weapons.

Combat occurs when Ryu encounters an enemy; he can attack with either a sword or magic spells depending on what power-up he has collected during exploration.

Successful battles reward players with experience points which they can use to level up Ryu's stats such as strength, defense, hit points, etc.

The graphics are colorful and detailed; characters animate smoothly while backgrounds feature vibrant colors that bring each stage to life.

Music is upbeat and catchy; it fits the game’s mood perfectly without being overly repetitive or annoying.

Sound effects are also well done; each attack produces a satisfying “thump” when it connects with an enemy which adds to the overall satisfaction of combat sequences.

Overall, Burai Fighter Color is an enjoyable action-adventure title that provides plenty of challenge while also rewarding players with interesting rewards for their efforts.

While not everyone may enjoy the task of having to complete various objectives before progressing further into Gogol’s domain, those who do will find themselves rewarded with a fast-paced adventure full of exciting moments that will keep them coming back for more fun.

Game Boy Color Shooter games