Play Tanto-R Online

Tanto-R technical data

Name Tanto-R
System Game Gear
Year 1994
Developer Sega
Genre Action

Tanto-R is a Sega game gear released in 1992. It is a side scrolling action game with an emphasis on intense combat and puzzle solving. The game follows the story of two protagonists, Tanto and Riki, who are on a mission to save their home world from the evil forces of an empire known as the Dread Empire.

The game starts off with Tanto and Riki being sent to the planet of Gendou by their teacher, Master Daijo. Upon arrival they discover that the planet has been taken over by the evil forces of the Dread Empire and they must now fight their way through hordes of enemies in order to restore peace to Gendou. Along the way they encounter many different types of enemies ranging from robots, aliens and monsters all controlled by the evil emperor Crux.

The gameplay consists mainly of running, jumping, shooting and using various items to progress through levels. Players will also have to solve puzzles in order to progress further into levels or acquire special items such as keys or power ups. As players progress through levels they will gain experience points which can be used to upgrade Tanto’s abilities such as increased health, speed or attack power. In addition to this there are also special items scattered throughout each level which can be used for health restoration or other purposes such as opening locked doors or activating switches.

Each level ends with a boss battle where players must use all their skill and strategy learned so far in order to defeat them. After defeating each boss players are rewarded with special items which can be used in upcoming levels or even exchanged for money at certain shops found throughout Gendou.

Overall, Tanto-R is an enjoyable action/puzzle game that offers plenty of challenge while still remaining accessible enough for gamers of all ages and skill levels. The unique visuals combined with its intense combat system make it one of the more memorable games available on the Sega Game Gear platform.

Game Gear Action games