Play WWF Royal Rumble Online

WWF Royal Rumble technical data

Name WWF Royal Rumble
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Sculptured Software
Genre Sports

WWF Royal Rumble is a professional wrestling video game released in 1993 by LJN for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The game is based on the popular World Wrestling Federation (WWF) franchise and was one of the first WWF games to be released on the SNES. It features all of the major WWF stars at the time, including Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, and Razor Ramon.

The main feature of WWF Royal Rumble is its namesake match type. It allows up to four players to compete in a Royal Rumble match with each other or against computer-controlled opponents. Players must eliminate their opponents by tossing them over the top rope until only one remains. The winner of the match is declared the victor. There are also several other match types available in single player mode, including singles matches, tag team matches and cage matches. Up to four players can also participate in a tag team tournament or battle royal for extra challenge.

The gameplay mechanics are fairly simple but effective for its time. Players can perform various moves such as punches, kicks and grapples as well as special moves unique to each wrestler. In addition, there are interactive objects scattered around the ring that can be used to inflict extra damage on opponents when used correctly. The graphics are basic but colorful and detailed enough to convey a sense of realism during matches. The sound effects and music are also fittingly appropriate for a wrestling game of this era.

Overall, WWF Royal Rumble is an enjoyable retro wrestling game that stands out among other titles released at that time due to its focus on multiplayer action and its robust roster of wrestlers from which players can choose from. Its simplistic yet engaging gameplay makes it easy to pick up and play while still being challenging enough for veterans of wrestling games alike to enjoy it even today.

Super Nintendo Sports games