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Wordtris technical data

Name Wordtris
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Spectrum Holobyte
Genre Puzzle

Wordtris is a puzzle video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1992. It was developed by Rare Ltd. and published by Nintendo. The objective of the game is to create words from randomly falling letter blocks before they reach the top of the screen.

The player controls a cursor with the D-pad that can move left or right across the bottom of the screen, and rotate letter blocks as they fall with either button A or B. When a block reaches the bottom of the screen, it will stick to any other blocks already there, allowing them to form words. If three or more consecutive letters are connected horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, they will be cleared from the board and points will be awarded based on their length and complexity. If enough points are earned within a certain amount of time, bonus items such as bombs and stopwatches may appear which can be used to clear more blocks at once or slow down the rate at which new ones appear.

The game has two main modes: Classic Mode and Puzzle Mode. In Classic Mode, players must clear all of the blocks from each level before time runs out in order to progress to later levels; this mode also features boss battles against computer-controlled opponents at various intervals throughout gameplay. Puzzle Mode consists of 50 pre-made puzzles that must be solved using specific strategies in order to complete them; this mode does not feature any bosses or time limits but instead focuses on problem solving skills with increasing difficulty as players progress through it.

Wordtris also offers support for up to four players via a multitap device and features several different options for customizing gameplay such as difficulty settings, speed settings, music selection, etc. There are also cheat codes that can be entered during gameplay which can give players an advantage such as invincibility or infinite lives; these codes must be typed in correctly in order for them to work properly however so some trial and error may be necessary before they become available for use.

Overall, Wordtris is a fun and challenging puzzle game that combines elements of both word creation and Tetris into one unique experience; its colorful visuals and catchy soundtrack are sure to keep players entertained while they test their skills against its ever-increasing difficulty levels!

Super Nintendo Puzzle games