Play Troddlers Online

Troddlers technical data

Name Troddlers
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Atod AB
Genre Puzzle

Troddlers is a puzzle game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1994. It was developed by Raizing and published by Hudson Soft. The game consists of a series of puzzles that the player must complete within a limited time, while avoiding obstacles such as enemies and traps.

The goal of Troddlers is to guide the titular Troddlers, small creatures with distinct personalities, through each level. The player takes control of one Troddler at a time, with the others following behind it. The player must maneuver their Troddler through each level while avoiding enemies and traps, collecting items along the way. Once all items in a level have been collected, the exit appears which allows the player to progress to the next level.

Each level contains different elements that make it more challenging for the player. These include enemies such as spiders and snakes, as well as obstacles like spikes, conveyor belts, and moving platforms. Some levels also contain special items such as keys or switches which must be triggered in order to open up new paths or access hidden areas within each stage. Additionally, some levels feature timed doors which will close after a certain amount of time has passed, forcing the player to hurry if they wish to reach the end before it closes off again.

The game features five different worlds with each containing eight levels for a total of forty stages. Each world has its own unique theme ranging from jungles and forests to mines and volcanoes. As players progress through each world they will face increasingly difficult challenges until reaching the final boss at the end of World 5 which marks the completion of Troddlers’ story mode.

In addition to its story mode, Troddlers also features several extra modes which can be unlocked by completing certain tasks within story mode or by entering specific codes on title screen menu. These extra modes include Time Attack where players must complete stages within set time limits; Challenge Mode where players are tasked with completing increasingly difficult stages; Versus Mode where two players compete against each other; Puzzle Mode which requires players to solve puzzles using their logic; and Boss Rush where players battle against all bosses from story mode consecutively without any breaks in between fights.

Overall, Troddlers is an enjoyable puzzle game that offers plenty of challenge for both newcomers and veterans alike due its mix of classic puzzle solving gameplay with platforming elements thrown into mix too boot. Its colorful graphics coupled with catchy music help create an atmosphere full of charm that makes it easy for anyone to pick up and enjoy regardless age or experience level with video games making it an ideal choice for those looking for something lighthearted yet still engaging enough keep them entertained hours on end!

Super Nintendo Puzzle games