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Tick, The technical data

Name Tick, The
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Software Creations
Genre Fighting

Tick, The is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) game developed and published by Sunsoft in 1994. It is a side-scrolling platformer game that follows the adventures of Tick, an alien creature who is on a mission to save his home planet from the evil forces of the Terroritron. The game has six levels, each with its own unique enemies and obstacles.

The goal of each level is to reach the end while avoiding or defeating enemies and collecting power-ups along the way. Each level also contains hidden items that can be found for bonus points or extra lives. As you progress through the levels, Tick will gain new abilities such as double jumps, wall jumps, and spin attacks which can help him avoid enemies or reach higher areas in order to progress further in the game.

The graphics in Tick, The are colorful and vibrant and feature a variety of environments including forests, caves, castles and more. The soundtrack consists of catchy tunes that perfectly fit with the action on screen. Furthermore, there are numerous boss battles throughout the game which add an extra layer of challenge.

Tick, The is an enjoyable experience for fans of classic platformers as it offers plenty of challenging levels to complete while providing some nostalgia along with it. With its engaging gameplay and colorful visuals, it’s sure to provide hours upon hours of entertaining fun for players both old and young alike.

Super Nintendo Fighting games