Play Raiden Densetsu Online

Raiden Densetsu technical data

Name Raiden Densetsu
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Seibu Kaihatsu
Genre Shooter

Raiden Densetsu is a top-down shooter video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1993. Developed by Japanese company Micronet, it is part of the Raiden series of games and is based on the classic arcade game Raiden II. The game follows the same basic premise as its predecessor, tasking players with destroying wave after wave of enemy fighter jets while avoiding their bullets and bombs.

Players control a powerful fighter jet known as the "RAIDEN" which is equipped with two primary weapons: Vulcan guns and missiles. Both weapons can be upgraded by collecting power-ups that appear throughout the levels. As players progress through the game, they will face increasingly difficult waves of enemies and must navigate mazes of obstacles in order to reach their goal.

The game features four distinct levels, each set in different environments such as a cityscape, mountainside, ocean floor and space station. Each level has its own unique enemies and obstacles that must be overcome in order to progress further into the game. Players will also encounter mid-level bosses which are much tougher than regular enemies and must be defeated before progressing further into the level.

In addition to its single player mode, Raiden Densetsu also supports two-player cooperative play via link cable allowing friends to join forces in taking down waves of enemy aircrafts. The game also features an intense soundtrack composed by Katsuhiro Hayashi that helps create an immersive atmosphere during gameplay.

Overall, Raiden Densetsu is an enjoyable shooter experience that fans of the genre should definitely check out. With its challenging gameplay and unique visuals, it provides hours of shooting entertainment for those seeking a classic arcade experience on their SNES console.

Super Nintendo Shooter games