Play Natsume Championship Wrestling Online

Natsume Championship Wrestling technical data

Name Natsume Championship Wrestling
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Natsume, Inc.
Genre Sports

Natsume Championship Wrestling is a professional wrestling game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1995 by Natsume. The game was developed and published by Natsume, who had previously released several titles for the SNES. Natsume Championship Wrestling features four playable wrestlers, each with their own unique attributes, movesets, and special abilities. The gameplay consists of six different match types: One-on-One, Tag Team, Battle Royal, Cage Match, Gauntlet Match, and Survival Match.

The game has an arcade mode that allows the player to compete in various matches against increasingly difficult opponents. In addition to playing against computer-controlled opponents, players can also battle each other in two-player mode. All matches are fought within a three-dimensional arena filled with obstacles and interactive elements. Players can use these objects to their advantage during a match by throwing their opponents into them or using them as weapons.

The graphics of Natsume Championship Wrestling are fairly basic but still manage to capture the atmosphere of a professional wrestling event. The wrestler sprites are well animated and look like they could be taken straight from a Saturday morning cartoon show. The sound effects are also spot on and capture the excitement of being inside a real wrestling ring with an announcer calling out the action and fans cheering or booing depending on what’s happening in the ring.

Each wrestler has his own individual stats which affect how he performs during a match; this includes strength, agility, stamina and speed as well as special abilities such as fire breath or teleportation which can be used to gain an edge over your opponent. There is also an extensive moveset which includes various grappling attacks as well as signature moves such as piledrivers, suplexes and dropkicks that differ depending on which wrestler you choose to play as.

Overall Natsume Championship Wrestling is an enjoyable game that captures the essence of professional wrestling while still providing enough depth to keep players coming back for more. With its simple controls and exciting gameplay it is easy to pick up yet hard to master; making it perfect for both casual gamers looking for some quick fun or experienced players looking for something more challenging than just button mashing their way through rounds of competition.

Super Nintendo Sports games