Play Foreman For Real Online

Foreman For Real technical data

Name Foreman For Real
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Software Creations
Genre Sports

Foreman For Real is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) video game released in 1994 by Bandai. Players take the role of George Foreman, a former two-time world heavyweight champion boxer, and must fight their way through a series of opponents to become the World Champion. The game was developed by Human Entertainment and was released exclusively in Japan.

The gameplay in Foreman For Real is similar to other boxing games of the time, with players controlling George Foreman as he moves around the ring and attempts to land punches on his opponent. The controls are simple, with players able to move left or right, punch high or low, block, or throw special punches such as uppercuts and hooks. As the fight progresses players must strategically choose when to attack and defend in order to wear down their opponent's health bar before time runs out. If both fighters' health bars reach zero at the same time then it is declared a draw.

Players can also choose from one of three difficulty settings; easy, normal and hard. Easy mode gives players more powerful punches while hard mode makes them weaker. Players can also customize their fighter by choosing different colors for their trunks and gloves as well as customizing the size of their fighter's head.

The graphics in Foreman For Real are colorful and detailed with realistic animations for each fighter's movements during battle. The background music is upbeat and energetic which helps create an exciting atmosphere during each match.

Overall Foreman For Real is an enjoyable boxing game that fans of the sport will appreciate due its attention to detail in both visuals and gameplay mechanics. It may not be as complex or deep as some other titles but it still provides plenty of enjoyment thanks to its solid controls and entertaining presentation.

Super Nintendo Sports games