Play George Foreman's KO Boxing Online

George Foreman's KO Boxing technical data

Name George Foreman's KO Boxing
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Beam Software
Genre Sports

George Foreman’s KO Boxing is a boxing video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1992. Developed by Sculptured Software and published by Acclaim Entertainment, the game was licensed by boxer George Foreman and features him as a playable character.

The goal of the game is to defeat all five opponents in the “Circuit Mode” and become world champion. The five opponents are Beef, Willie, Big Foot, Maximus and George Foreman himself. Each opponent has their own unique style of boxing and must be defeated to progress through the game. Players can choose to play as either left-handed or right-handed fighters, allowing them to customize their experience.

The controls for George Foreman’s KO Boxing are simple but effective. Players use combinations of buttons on the SNES controller to move around the ring, block punches, throw jabs and uppercuts, as well as dodge incoming attacks. The action takes place from an overhead perspective with a bird’s eye view of the ring. This allows players to easily see where their opponents are at any given time.

In addition to Circuit Mode, there is also an Exhibition Mode that allows players to practice against any opponent they wish before taking on the circuit mode opponents. There is also a training mode which allows players to hone their skills in various areas such as punching power and speed. All modes of play have adjustable difficulty settings so that players can adjust it according to their skill level.

George Foreman’s KO Boxing offers several graphical options such as color depth, sprite size and animation speed which can be adjusted for optimal performance on different hardware configurations. The sound effects are realistic and add excitement to each match while the music is upbeat and fast-paced adding further intensity to each round of boxing action.

Overall, George Foreman’s KO Boxing provides an enjoyable gaming experience that will appeal both boxing fans and gamers alike due its combination of realistic graphics, engaging gameplay mechanics and adjustable difficulty settings.

Super Nintendo Sports games