Play Dark Law - Meaning of Death Online

Dark Law - Meaning of Death technical data

Name Dark Law - Meaning of Death
System Super Nintendo
Year 1997
Developer ASCII Corporation
Genre RPG

Dark Law: Meaning of Death is a Super Nintendo action-adventure role-playing game released in 1994 by ASCII Entertainment. The game was developed by Nanao and published by ASCII Entertainment in Japan and Vic Tokai in North America. The story follows a young man named Marth, who has been chosen to be the leader of a small kingdom called Etruria. He must use his courage and strength to save his people from an evil force known as the Dark Law.

The player takes control of Marth as he navigates through dungeons, fights monsters, solves puzzles and explores the world. In order to progress through the game, Marth must collect items, gain experience points and level up his character. As he progresses, he will encounter various characters who can help him on his journey. These characters can give him advice or offer assistance during battle.

The main objective of the game is for Marth to defeat the Dark Law and restore peace to Etruria. To do this, he must explore all five continents of Etruria, collect keys that will unlock doors leading to new areas and ultimately reach the final boss's lair at the end of each continent. Along the way, players will come across various enemies such as dragons, skeletons, trolls and demons that need to be defeated before they can progress any further. These battles take place in real-time with players having direct control over their character's actions such as attacking or using special abilities like spells or items.

In addition to exploring dungeons and fighting monsters, players can also customize their character with different weapons and armor found throughout the world or purchased at shops located in various towns across Etruria. Money can also be earned from completing side quests or simply killing monsters which gives players an opportunity to purchase powerful items that may be needed later on in their quest for victory against the Dark Law.

Dark Law: Meaning of Death provides an engaging experience for those looking for an adventure full of action-packed battles and challenging puzzles that require careful thought and strategy in order to succeed. With its unique fantasy setting and exciting storyline, Dark Law: Meaning of Death is sure to provide hours upon hours of entertainment for anyone looking for a classic RPG experience on the Super Nintendo console system.

Super Nintendo RPG games