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Shin Megami Tensei technical data

Name Shin Megami Tensei
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Atlus Co., Ltd.
Genre RPG

"Shin Megami Tensei" is a seminal role-playing game (RPG) developed and published by Atlus for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

Released in 1992 in Japan, this game marked the beginning of the renowned "Shin Megami Tensei" series, which has since become a pillar of the RPG genre known for its mature storytelling, deep mechanics, and the fusion of supernatural themes with modern settings.

Set in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, "Shin Megami Tensei" immerses players in a world reeling from a catastrophic event known as the "Conception." In the wake of this disaster, demons have overrun the city, and players assume the role of a nameless protagonist.

The story revolves around the protagonist's choices, alliances, and interactions with other characters, humans, and demons alike.

At its core, "Shin Megami Tensei" explores themes of moral ambiguity, existentialism, and the choices that shape the fate of the world.

The game's branching narrative forces players to make decisions that have far-reaching consequences, impacting the progression of the story, character relationships, and even the ending.

Gameplay mechanics in "Shin Megami Tensei" are both complex and innovative.

Players navigate through first-person dungeons and engage in turn-based battles against a wide array of demons.

One of the defining features is the ability to negotiate with demons during battle, allowing players to recruit them into their party.

The negotiation system involves conversation and bargaining, where players must respond to demons' questions and demands to win them over.

This mechanic adds an element of strategy and unpredictability to battles.

The fusion system is another hallmark of the "Shin Megami Tensei" series.

Players can combine demons to create more powerful ones with a variety of skills and abilities.

This system encourages experimentation and customization, as players can create a party of demons tailored to their preferred playstyle.

"Shin Megami Tensei" features a unique alignment system that impacts the protagonist's choices and the world's outcome.

Players can choose between three main alignments: Law, Chaos, and Neutral.

Each alignment reflects a different philosophy and perspective on the world's fate.

The choices made throughout the game influence the alignment, leading to multiple endings based on the player's moral decisions.

The visuals of "Shin Megami Tensei" capture the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic setting.

The first-person view of the dungeons enhances the sense of exploration and the tension of encountering enemies.

The demon designs are diverse, imaginative, and often inspired by various mythologies and folklore from around the world.

The music and sound design of "Shin Megami Tensei" contribute to the game's unsettling atmosphere.

The soundtrack features haunting melodies and ambient sounds that enhance the game's eerie and mysterious vibe.

The sound effects of battle, negotiation, and demon interactions add depth to the gameplay experience.

"Shin Megami Tensei" received critical acclaim upon its release in Japan for its innovative mechanics, mature storytelling, and unique alignment system.

The game's success paved the way for the growth of the "Shin Megami Tensei" series, which has since evolved into one of the most celebrated and influential RPG franchises in the industry.

In conclusion, "Shin Megami Tensei" for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System is a landmark RPG that pushed boundaries and introduced innovative mechanics to the genre.

Its exploration of mature themes, intricate gameplay mechanics, and morally complex choices laid the foundation for a franchise that continues to captivate players and leave a lasting impact on the RPG landscape.

The game's fusion of supernatural elements with a modern setting, combined with its deep narrative and strategic gameplay, solidified its place as a classic that continues to be revered by RPG enthusiasts and fans of thought-provoking storytelling.

Super Nintendo RPG games