Play Choplifter III Online

Choplifter III technical data

Name Choplifter III
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Beam Software
Genre Shooter

Choplifter III is a side-scrolling action-adventure video game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1994. Developed by Beam Software and published by Sony Imagesoft, the game is a sequel to the original Choplifter from 1982 and follows the same basic premise: rescue hostages from enemy forces. Players take on the role of a helicopter pilot who must fly through various levels, using their chopper to rescue hostages and destroy enemies. The game features a variety of different environments, including jungles, deserts, cities and even underwater levels. As with its predecessor, players must use their wits and skillful flying to navigate these dangerous areas while rescuing hostages and destroying enemies.

The main objective of Choplifter III is to complete each level by rescuing all of the hostages present within it. To do this, players must navigate their chopper around obstacles such as tanks, helicopters and other enemy forces while avoiding being shot down or running out of fuel. Depending on the level, there may be additional objectives such as collecting bonus items or destroying certain targets. Upon completing each level, players receive bonus points which can be used to upgrade their chopper's weapons and armor. Additionally, they can also purchase new helicopters with different capabilities such as increased speed or better armor protection.

The controls in Choplifter III are easy to learn but require some practice to master; players need to use both the directional pad and A/B buttons simultaneously in order to move the chopper around effectively. In addition to shooting at enemies with their weapons, players can also pick up hostages using their chopper's winch feature; once all of the hostages have been rescued from a level they will automatically be taken back home safely. Along with its challenging levels, Choplifter III also offers several different gameplay modes including two-player cooperative play and an unlimited lives mode for those looking for an easier experience.

Overall, Choplifter III is an enjoyable action-adventure game that combines addictive gameplay with great graphics and sound effects; it remains one of the best titles released for SNES during its time period. With its challenging levels and multiple difficulty settings it provides hours of entertainment for fans of side-scrolling games alike; whether you're looking for an intense challenge or just want something fun to pass time with then this title is definitely worth checking out!

Super Nintendo Shooter games