Play Breath of Fire - Ryuu no Senshi Online

Breath of Fire - Ryuu no Senshi technical data

Name Breath of Fire - Ryuu no Senshi
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Capcom Co., Ltd.
Genre RPG

Breath of Fire – Ryuu no Senshi is a Super Nintendo game released in 1995. It is a role-playing game (RPG) and is the first installment in the popular Breath of Fire series. The game follows the story of Ryu, a young dragon warrior who is on a mission to save his people from an evil empire.

The game starts off with Ryu's village being attacked by monsters and he must set out on a journey to save them. Along the way, he meets various characters who join him in his quest. These characters each have their own unique abilities which can be used to help Ryu in battle or solve puzzles. In addition to these characters, there are also many NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) who provide information or clues that can help players progress through the story.

The gameplay of Breath of Fire – Ryuu no Senshi revolves around turn-based battles fought against various enemies such as monsters and humans. Players have access to various weapons and spells which they can use to attack opponents or protect themselves during battle. As players progress through the story they will gain experience points which can be used to level up their characters and increase their stats such as HP, MP, Attack Power, Defense Power etc.

In addition to turn-based battles, Breath of Fire – Ryuu no Senshi also features exploration elements where players must search for items and clues in order to progress further into the story. There are also mini-games scattered throughout the game which provide additional challenges for players to complete.

Overall, Breath of Fire – Ryuu no Senshi is an enjoyable RPG with an engaging storyline and fun turn-based combat mechanics that fans of classic RPGs will enjoy playing through. Its classic graphics may look outdated today but it still manages to capture the charm of its era with its colorful visuals and memorable soundtrack.

Super Nintendo RPG games