Play Battle Clash Online

Battle Clash technical data

Name Battle Clash
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Intelligent Systems
Genre Shooter

Battle Clash, released in 1992 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), is a first-person shooter game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. It was one of the earliest games to use the Super Scope light gun peripheral, which allowed players to shoot enemies, objects and projectiles onscreen.

The game follows Tomo, a former soldier who is chosen by a mysterious entity known as the “Master of Arms” to participate in an intergalactic tournament called “Battle Clash”. In this tournament, Tomo must fight other combatants in a series of battles using his giant robotic fighting machine called the Steel Mech. The objective of each battle is to defeat all of the enemies or complete specific objectives within a time limit.

Players take control of Tomo from a first-person perspective inside his Steel Mech and use the Super Scope peripheral to shoot enemy mechs and objects onscreen. The mech can move around freely on the battlefield and can also jump over obstacles or perform special moves such as dashing or spinning attacks. When an enemy mech is destroyed, coins are dropped which can be collected for bonus points at the end of each stage. In addition to shooting enemies, players must also defend their own mech from incoming projectiles by raising their shield with the Super Scope's trigger button.

In addition to standard battles, Battle Clash also features several minigames that involve shooting targets or objects within certain time limits for bonus points. There are also two-player co-op modes where two players can team up against computer-controlled opponents using two Super Scopes.

Overall, Battle Clash offers an action-packed experience with its unique blend of shooting mechanics and strategic elements. The visuals are bright and colorful while the sound effects are satisfyingly loud when firing off shots with the Super Scope controller. It's easy enough for beginners but still provides a challenging experience for veterans looking for something more intense than your typical shooter game. With its combination of fast-paced action and thrilling gameplay, Battle Clash is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end!

Super Nintendo Shooter games