Play Street Cop Online

Street Cop technical data

Name Street Cop
System NES
Year 1987
Developer Bandai
Genre Action

Street Cop is a top-down action game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1989. Developed by Hudson Soft and published by Sega, it was one of the few games on the console that used an overhead perspective. In Street Cop, players take control of a police officer who must patrol the streets and apprehend criminals.

The player takes control of a police officer who is tasked with patrolling city streets in order to catch criminals. The goal of each level is to apprehend as many criminals as possible before time runs out. The player can move around freely on the map, but must be careful not to get too close to any criminals since they will try to run away if spotted. If the player does come across a criminal, they can either choose to arrest them or shoot them with their gun, which will knock them unconscious temporarily.

The game features various types of criminals such as muggers, robbers and drug dealers, all of whom must be apprehended in order to progress through the levels. As the player progresses further into the game, more dangerous criminals appear and tougher challenges are presented. Additionally, there are power-ups scattered throughout each level which can be collected for increased speed or extra ammo.

Throughout each level there are also obstacles such as walls and vehicles that need to be navigated around in order to reach certain areas or objectives within a limited amount of time. Additionally, there are bonus points awarded for completing tasks quickly or apprehending extra criminals beyond what is required for progressing through levels.

Overall, Street Cop was an enjoyable experience that provided an engaging challenge for gamers who enjoy top-down action games with an emphasis on tactical decision making and reflexes. With its vibrant graphics and tight controls, it remains one of the better NES titles from its era despite its relative obscurity today.

NES Action games