Play Krusty's Fun House Online

Krusty's Fun House technical data

Name Krusty's Fun House
System NES
Year 1992
Developer Acclaim Entertainment
Genre Puzzle

Krusty's Fun House was one of the most beloved games for the Nintendo Entertainment System during its heyday.

Released in 1991, the game was developed by Acclaim and based on the popular Simpsons character Krusty the Clown.

The game follows Krusty as he attempts to clean up his fun house, which has been overrun by rats.

Players must use a variety of tools to navigate their way through each level, while avoiding obstacles and collecting items along the way.

The main objective of Krusty's Fun House is to exterminate all of the rats from the fun house.

To do this players must use various tools such as hammers, glue guns, and vacuum cleaners to clear out each room.

Along with this, players must also collect bonus items such as food cans and gold coins that are scattered throughout each level.

As they progress through the levels they will earn points for completing tasks and can even unlock bonus levels.

The game consists of five levels in total, each becoming increasingly more difficult as players progress further into the game.

In addition to this there are also mini-games that can be unlocked after completing certain levels.

These mini-games include a target shooting range where players can test their accuracy and a slot machine where they can win prizes such as extra lives or extra points.

Krusty's Fun House is an incredibly addictive game that will keep you coming back for more time and time again.

The graphics were quite impressive for its time period and still holds up today relatively well compared to other NES titles from 1991.

Moreover, the controls are simple yet effective making it easy for anyone to pick up and play immediately without having to learn complex controls or strategies like many other games require at times.

The difficulty curve is also just right; allowing both novice gamers as well as experienced ones to enjoy it without feeling too overwhelmed or bored with it respectively.

Overall Krusty's Fun House is an excellent title for any fan of classic NES gaming or even those who just want something lighthearted yet challenging at times that won't take hours upon hours to complete either! It definitely stands out amongst many other classic titles released during its era due its unique premise and colorful characters that make it so enjoyable even after all these years since its release!

NES Puzzle games