Play Family Boxing Online

Family Boxing technical data

Name Family Boxing
System NES
Year 1987
Developer Wood Place
Genre Sports

Family Boxing is a video game developed by Human Entertainment and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1989. The game was a boxing-based sports game that allowed up to four players to compete at once, making it one of the few multi-player games available on the NES.

The premise of Family Boxing is simple: two to four players choose from one of eight different boxers, each with their own unique attributes, and then duke it out in the ring. The goal of the game is to knock out your opponents before they do the same to you. Players can punch, move around the ring, block punches and even perform special moves such as uppercuts and body slams.

The controls for Family Boxing are quite intuitive; players use a combination of buttons on the NES controller to control their boxer’s movements and attacks. The A button controls punches, while B controls blocks and C performs special moves. Players can also press up or down on the directional pad to move forward or backward in the ring respectively.

The graphics in Family Boxing are quite basic but still manage to capture the essence of a boxing match fairly well; there’s plenty of movement and detail in each character sprite as well as some nice background animations such as spectators cheering or booing depending on how well you’re doing in the match. The sound effects are also quite good; each punch has its own distinct sound effect which helps add some authenticity to the fights.

Overall, Family Boxing is an enjoyable NES title that offers plenty of fun for both single-player and multi-player sessions alike. It may not be as flashy or sophisticated as modern day boxing games but its rudimentary mechanics and simple yet enjoyable gameplay make it an entertaining experience for gamers of all ages.

NES Sports games