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Contra technical data

Name Contra
System NES
Year 1988
Developer Konami
Genre Shooter

Contra is an action-packed side-scrolling shooter developed by Konami and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988.

The game was a huge success, selling over four million copies worldwide and becoming one of the best-selling games of its time.

The story of Contra follows two commandos, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, as they fight their way through an alien-infested island to stop a terrorist group known as Red Falcon from taking over the world.

The two commandos are aided by a power suit that grants them superhuman strength and agility, allowing them to take on enemies with ease.

Players must make their way through eight levels of intense action, using various weapons such as shotguns, machine guns, lasers, fireballs, and spread shots to defeat enemies.

Along the way, players can collect power-ups such as extra lives, shields, and speed boosts to help them progress through the game.

Contra's fast-paced gameplay has made it a classic among gamers.

Players must be quick on their feet to avoid enemy fire while simultaneously taking out foes before they can do any damage.

The game also features some unique elements such as being able to move up and down ladders and jump off platforms for higher ground.

This is essential for avoiding obstacles while trying to complete each level quickly.

The game also features two difficulty settings: Normal Mode and Hard Mode.

In Normal Mode players can continue infinitely if they lose all their lives; however in Hard Mode a player will only have three continues before having to start from the beginning of the game again.

This added challenge makes Hard Mode much more difficult than Normal Mode but also more rewarding when completed successfully.

The graphics of Contra are simple but stylish with detailed backgrounds that bring life to each level.

The sound effects are equally impressive with satisfying explosions whenever an enemy is destroyed or a power-up is collected.

All these elements come together creating an immersive experience that still holds up today despite its age.

Overall Contra is an excellent side-scrolling shooter that still stands strong after all these years thanks to its intense action and challenging gameplay that will keep players coming back for more even after they’ve beaten it once or twice before.

Its timeless appeal has made it one of the most beloved games in video game history with many people citing it as one of their favorite games ever made for any console or platform

NES Shooter games