Play Chiller Online

Chiller technical data

Name Chiller
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Exidy, Inc.
Genre Shooter

Chiller is an action-horror video game developed by Exidy for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was released in North America in 1986. Chiller is a single-player shooter game where players fight their way through four levels of horror-themed stages, such as a graveyard, a haunted house, and an underground dungeon. The goal of the game is to reach the end of each level while shooting various monsters and avoiding traps.

The player takes control of a character known only as “The Stranger” who must battle his way through four levels of horror-themed enemies and obstacles. The Stranger has access to various weapons such as a shotgun, crossbow, and flamethrower which can be used to defeat enemies or activate switches. The Stranger also has access to special items such as keys that unlock doors and powerups that increase his health or give him extra lives. As the player progresses through each level they must collect coins which can be used to purchase additional weapons or items from shops located throughout the levels.

The graphics in Chiller are basic but effective for its time. The background scenery consists mostly of dark colors with some elements being highlighted in reds or blues to create an eerie atmosphere. All the characters are animated sprites which move smoothly across the screen when controlled by the player. The sound effects consist mostly of ambient noises such as creaking doors, howling winds, and thunderclaps; however there are some musical tracks that play during boss fights or other important moments in the game.

There are several elements in Chiller that make it stand out from other NES games of its time period. One element is its use of horror themes throughout its levels which creates an atmosphere of tension and suspense while playing; another element is its use of puzzles which require creative thinking from players in order to progress through each level; finally there are numerous secrets hidden throughout each stage that can be discovered by exploring every area thoroughly, making Chiller also a type of exploration game.

Overall, Chiller is an enjoyable action-horror title for fans of old school NES gaming who enjoy being challenged with puzzles and exploring environments filled with secrets while facing off against hordes of monsters at every turn. While it may not have aged gracefully compared to more modern titles due to its dated graphics and sound quality; it still remains an entertaining title filled with mystery and horror elements that will keep players coming back for more no matter what age they are today!

NES Shooter games