Play Hudson Hawk Online

Hudson Hawk technical data

Name Hudson Hawk
System Game Boy
Year 1992
Developer Ocean Software Ltd.
Genre Action

Hudson Hawk is a classic Nintendo Game Boy game that was released in 1991. The game is based on the movie of the same name and features an array of minigames, puzzles, and platforming challenges. Players take control of the titular character as he attempts to thwart the evil plans of his nemesis, Darwin Mayflower.

The game begins with Hudson Hawk being hired by Darwin Mayflower to steal a collection of valuable items from various locations around the world. In order to complete this task, players must traverse through eight levels filled with enemies and puzzles. Along the way, Hudson must also collect keys which can be used to unlock new areas or progress further in the game.

Gameplay wise, Hudson Hawk plays like a typical action-platformer but with some unique elements thrown into the mix. For example, some sections require players to use their grappling hook to swing across gaps or ascend up walls. Additionally, there are several minigames scattered throughout the levels which require quick reflexes and strategy in order to succeed. These include boxing matches where players must dodge punches while trying their best to land a few hits themselves as well as rock climbing where they must scale walls without falling off too many times.

The graphics in Hudson Hawk are fairly basic but still manage to capture the atmosphere of its source material effectively. The characters look quite cartoonish but still have enough detail for them to stand out from one another. The stages also feature plenty of color and variety which helps keep things interesting throughout each level. As far as sound goes, the soundtrack consists mostly of midi versions of popular songs from the movie such as “Hudson Hawk” and “Swinging On A Star” which adds a nice touch to an otherwise average sounding game.

Overall, Hudson Hawk is an enjoyable action-platformer that fans of both the movie and genre should definitely check out if they haven’t already done so before now. It may not be particularly long or challenging but it still manages to provide plenty of fun thanks to its variety of gameplay elements and catchy soundtrack.

Game Boy Action games