Play Perfect Dark Online

Perfect Dark technical data

Name Perfect Dark
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Rare, Ltd.
Genre Puzzle

Perfect Dark is a Nintendo Game Boy Color game that was released in 2000.

It is a first-person shooter game developed by Rareware, the same company behind classic games like Donkey Kong and Banjo Kazooie.

The game is set in the year 2023, where players take on the role of Joanna Dark, a highly trained government agent who must battle an evil corporation known as DataDyne.

The game has two distinct parts: the solo campaign and the multiplayer mode.

In the single-player campaign, you play as Joanna and have to complete missions such as infiltrating enemy bases, rescuing hostages, and stealing data.

You can choose between three different difficulty levels which make the game more challenging or easier depending on your preference.

You also have access to various types of weapons such as pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, and grenades.

The multiplayer mode allows you to play with up to four people either locally or online via link cable.

There are several different modes available including deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, and assault.

In these modes you can customize your character with different weapons and items such as body armor and health packs.

One unique feature of Perfect Dark is its use of a "simulant" AI system which makes every enemy in the game seem different from each other by giving them varying levels of intelligence and skill level.

This allows for some truly unique experiences when playing against computer controlled enemies in both single-player and multiplayer modes.

Overall Perfect Dark is an excellent shooter for any fan of the genre looking for something new on their Nintendo Game Boy Color console.

The solo campaign offers plenty of challenge while still being accessible to players of all skill levels thanks to its adjustable difficulty settings while its robust multiplayer options make it great for playing with friends both locally or online via link cable.

The AI system also helps give each enemy encounter a unique feel while making sure that no two playthroughs ever feel exactly alike ensuring that you'll always be kept on your toes no matter how many times you try it out!

Game Boy Color Puzzle games