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Puzzled technical data

Name Puzzled
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Elo Interactive Media
Genre Puzzle

Puzzled is a tile-based puzzle game released for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 1999. It is a single-player game that was developed by Atlus and published by Nintendo. The game has since become one of the most popular titles on the platform, with its unique blend of clever puzzles and intuitive gameplay.

In Puzzled, players take control of a small character known as “Toto” who must solve various puzzles in order to progress through the game. Each level consists of several tiles which must be arranged in a certain way in order to complete the puzzle. There are four main types of tiles: yellow, red, green and blue. Each tile has a specific function and must be used correctly in order to solve each puzzle. For example, yellow tiles can be used to form bridges across gaps or to create pathways around obstacles. Red tiles can activate switches or levers which can help open up new areas or move objects around the level. Green tiles can be used to build walls that block enemies or trap them inside an area while blue tiles can be used to form staircases or ladders that allow Toto to reach higher ground.

Each level also contains various items such as keys, stars and hearts which must be collected before Toto can progress further into the game. Keys unlock doors and give access to new areas while stars provide extra points at the end of each level. Hearts are used as health points and when all hearts have been depleted Toto will lose a life and have to start again from the beginning of the stage he was last on. As players progress through each level they will encounter various enemies such as bats, snakes and frogs which must be avoided or defeated using special weapons such as bombs or fireballs found throughout each stage.

The difficulty of Puzzled increases as players progress further into the game with more complex levels requiring greater logic skills in order to solve them correctly within a limited time frame before Toto runs out of lives and has to start again from scratch if he fails too many times in succession. The game also features several bonus stages where players must use their wits rather than brute force in order to complete them successfully within a set time limit for additional points at the end of each level completed successfully.

Overall, Puzzled is an entertaining yet challenging puzzle title that offers hours upon hours of fun for fans of this genre while providing enough variation between levels so that it does not feel repetitive after extended play sessions despite its simplistic premise. Its intuitive controls make it easy for newcomers to pick up but still offers plenty for experienced puzzlers looking for something more demanding than your average match three title on mobile devices today – making it well worth checking out if you’re looking for some classic gaming action on your Game Boy Color console!

Game Boy Color Puzzle games