Play Gex - Enter the Gecko Online

Gex - Enter the Gecko technical data

Name Gex - Enter the Gecko
System Game Boy Color
Year 1998
Developer David A. Palmer Productions
Genre Action

Gex: Enter the Gecko for the Nintendo Game Boy Color is a classic action-adventure game with a humorous and quirky twist.

It follows the story of Gex, a sarcastic gecko who loves to watch TV and crack wise about his adventures.

Players must guide him through various levels, solving puzzles and defeating enemies in order to progress.

The game begins with Gex being summoned by "The Media Dimension," an alternate universe ruled by an evil overlord known as Rez, who wants Gex to help him take control of the world's media outlets.

Gex is not too keen on this plan, so he must escape from Rez's stronghold and embark on an adventure to save the world from Rez's clutches.

Players will explore six different worlds in their quest to stop Rez and save the world.

These worlds include a futuristic cityscape, a jungle filled with dinosaurs, a haunted castle, and even outer space! In each level Gex must collect remotes (the game’s currency) while avoiding enemies such as robots, giant spiders, ghosts and more.

Along the way he’ll also be able to find power-ups that give him special abilities like double jumping or shooting fireballs from his tongue.

In addition to all of these exciting levels, players can also enjoy hidden bonus levels which are unlocked after completing certain tasks within each stage.

These bonus levels feature unique minigames that offer players additional challenges such as navigating mazes or collecting items within time limits.

Gex: Enter the Gecko is an excellent game for all ages that offers plenty of challenge and fun for hours on end! The colorful graphics bring life to each level and its vibrant soundtrack adds an extra layer of energy throughout the entire experience.

With its clever writing and witty humor, it’s no wonder why this game has become such a classic among gamers everywhere!

Game Boy Color Action games