Play Extreme Ghostbusters Online

Extreme Ghostbusters technical data

Name Extreme Ghostbusters
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Light and Shadow Productions
Genre Action

Extreme Ghostbusters for Nintendo Game Boy Color is a side-scrolling action platformer based on the popular television show of the same name.

The game was developed by Konami and released in 1998.

In it, players take control of one of four Extreme Ghostbusters - Roland, Eduardo, Garrett and Kylie - as they battle their way through various levels to save New York City from an invasion of ghosts.

Players start off by selecting which character they want to play as, with each character having unique abilities such as increased speed or jump height.

After selecting their character, players are taken to an overworld map that shows the locations of upcoming levels.

Players can also access shops where they can purchase items such as health refills and power-ups that will help them throughout the game.

The goal in each level is to reach the end while battling hordes of ghosts and other supernatural enemies along the way.

To do this, players must use their chosen character's unique abilities and weapons to defeat enemies and progress through obstacles.

These weapons range from traditional firearms like shotguns and pistols to ghostly powers such as energy blasts or freezing rays.

As they progress through each level, players can also collect money which can be used to purchase items at shops or upgrade their characters' weapons and abilities between levels.

In addition to its single-player mode, Extreme Ghostbusters also features a two-player cooperative mode where both players can team up and tackle levels together.

This mode allows for a more strategic approach to tackling levels since both players have access to all four characters' unique powers at any given time.

However, it should be noted that only one player can control a character during gameplay so communication between players is key if they want to succeed in taking down the powerful bosses that await them at the end of every level.

Overall, Extreme Ghostbusters for Nintendo Game Boy Color is an enjoyable action platformer based on a classic cartoon show that still holds up well today due its tight controls and varied gameplay mechanics.

The graphics may not be cutting edge but still manage to capture the spirit of the show nicely while providing some challenging yet rewarding gameplay experiences along the way.

Whether you're playing alone or with a friend, Extreme Ghostbusters offers plenty of fun for ghost busters new and old alike!

Game Boy Color Action games