Play Catwoman Online

Catwoman technical data

Name Catwoman
System Game Boy Color
Year 2001
Developer Kemco
Genre Fighting

Catwoman is a character from the DC Comics universe, and she has been featured in many different video games throughout the years.

The most recent release of Catwoman was for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 2000.

This game was produced by Kemco, and it follows the story of Selina Kyle as she uses her cat-like abilities to fight crime in Gotham City.

Catwoman is a side-scrolling action-adventure game where players take control of Catwoman as she battles through various levels.

The goal of each level is to find a specific item, which can be used to progress further into the game.

As players progress, they will encounter enemies such as thugs, robots and ninjas that must be defeated in order to move on.

Players can also pick up items that give them special powers or upgrades such as health boosts or increased speed.

The graphics in this game are fairly simple but still manage to capture the feel of a comic book world.

The character designs are based on those seen in Batman comics, with Catwoman having her trademark black leather costume and goggles.

There are also plenty of other characters from the DC Universe that appear throughout the game, including Batman himself who makes an appearance at certain points.

The soundtrack for this game is quite good too; it fits perfectly with the atmosphere created by the visuals and helps to bring out the dark tone that is so prevalent throughout Catwoman's adventures.

It consists mostly of rock music but there are some slower tracks thrown in for variety too.

Overall, Catwoman for Nintendo Game Boy Color is an enjoyable experience for fans of Batman and comic book action games alike.

It features great graphics and sound, as well as challenging levels that make it an enjoyable title even today.

While it may not be one of Kemco's best works, it still stands up well against other titles released around its time period and remains a classic piece of gaming history worth checking out for any fan of superhero games or just good old fashioned action-adventure titles.

Game Boy Color Fighting games