Play Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi Online

Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi technical data

Name Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi
System Game Boy Advance
Year 2002
Developer SUZAK
Genre Action

Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi is a classic Nintendo Game Boy Advance game that was released in Japan in 2002. It stars the lovable mascot of NHK, Domo-kun, who has been around since 1998. The game focuses on the adventures of Domo-kun and his friends as they travel through different worlds and battle enemies. The game is a platformer with a unique twist; instead of just running and jumping, you can also use magic to fight your way through levels.

The story begins with Domo-kun and his friends at home watching television when all of a sudden the TV starts to act strange. Suddenly, the TV sucks them all inside! Inside the TV world they find themselves in different places such as an amusement park, a castle, and even outer space! To make matters worse, they also discover that evil creatures are trying to take over the world!

To save their world from evil forces, Domo-kun and his friends must travel through various levels, battling enemies along the way. As they progress through each level they will collect coins which can be used to buy upgrades for their characters or items that can help them in their quest. They will also find special items such as hearts which will restore their health or power ups that will give them special abilities like invincibility or double jump.

One of the most unique aspects of this game is its visuals - it has a very cartoonish art style with bright colors and cute character designs that add to its charm. The music is also quite memorable; it features catchy tunes that are sure to stick in your head after playing for a while.

Overall, Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi is an enjoyable platformer with charming visuals and catchy music. Although it may not be as popular as some other games on the Game Boy Advance system, it remains one of those classic titles that never gets old. Whether you’re looking for an entertaining platformer or just want to experience the nostalgia of playing an old school Nintendo game again, Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi is definitely worth checking out

Game Boy Advance Action games